What is CapFizz Network?
Capfizz is an innovative project in the blockchain and DePin (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks) space, creating a trading platform where users can share their idle bandwidth to earn tokens on the BNB blockchain.
With a mission to benefit the community, Capfizz not only promotes network development but also supports projects related to AI and various other fields.
Our vision is to make this computing model complete and comprehensive. Accessible to everyone, including startups that want to reach the community.
Sentry Node?
Sentry Nodes lay the foundation for Global Connection – the first phase towards realizing our vision. By design, they are privacy-preserving, do not allow apps to run in the background on devices, are lightweight (<1MB of data usage per month), and are efficient with intermittent operation. They map global connectivity and play a critical role in ensuring the availability of computing resources as a precursor to the network mainnet in the near future.
With Sentry Nodes, you become an essential part of the pervasive connectivity layer that underpins our vision for open computing infrastructure and blockchain platforms.